Friday 29 May 2009

Fish Aid.

After a few days at home of pampering, unpacking and peas (yuck) I feel better enough to try and get some creativity onto the tinternet. Living with my parents, whilst lovely in the sense that I always have company and delicious food :) is also a complete bummer as it means I have chores to do (I feel a decade younger) and it's a bloody long trek to get to work.

The good thing is that my father knows considerably more about my fish than I do. As of late, Brain has been decidedly daft and quiet. He tends to sit on the gravel near the pump and then gets stuck, only re-emerging (after a hillarious wiggle of his fat little tummy) for food. We've tried everything- there were some concerns that their droopy dorsal fins were down to the driftwood and supposed chemicals it was leaking into the water, (which ended in me sucking up pooey water into a tube and siphoning it into a bucket at 7:30 in the morning. Joys.) or even the large white stone giving off alkaline. After researching on the net, I came accross some peculiar, but deeply amusing advice: Feed the fish peas.

We debated as to whether they should be frozen, chopped up, pureed etc etc, but decided on defrosted, chopped up plain old peas. Hubert at first was a little bemused by the strange green globules floating in the water, but gave them a hearty go. Brain however, after wearily wafting himself out from under the greenery near the pump, gulped them down in one go. (Quite a feat for such a little fat blobby fish.) Unfortunately, despite discovering that peas are good to go in the fish's opinion, they haven't really made Brain more sparky.

Another suggestion is that the pump is too violent for my fat friend. Hubert seems fine by it, but then again, Brain, being a Black Moor, looks as though swimming is ten times the effort. Whereas Hubert is graceful and elegant, streaming through the water as if he had little teeny ice skates on and a teeny weeny tutu, Brain just waddles. Bless him to bits, he wriggles and waddles and splutters his way accross the tank, only for the pumped out water to shove him back to where he came from. We've tried pointing the tube into the side of the tank but to no avail, Brain is just, well, useless.

Does any one have any suggestions as to what I can do to make them all happy and bouncy?

Also, apologies to those of you who aren't that eager about fish. I will find something more interesting to write about in my next post. Probably about my first time clubbing this evening after about a year; there are bound to be some mishaps on such an excursion!

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