Thursday 23 April 2009

Brassed off with Buses.

So, six days into blogging (does no one else think that that's a frankly odd term that sounds somewhat like a bowel movement?) and I've begun to realise just how addictive this actually is.

After finding myself subconsciously narrating my day ("Today I saw a perky young fellow enjoying a picnic in a cemetary- at 9:00 in the morning no less") I came to the conclusion that I am turning into a slightly more masculine version of Doctor John Dorian.

But despite the side effect of vacant expressions and vivid day dreams, I have discovered that instead of gloomily analysing the day ahead of me, I take much more notice of the things around me. One such example was this:

Now I do feel personally targeted by this recent event. Quite possibly because of my blog the other day. What annoys me the most is the fact that the Government are "hell bent" on reducing our carbon footprint and the amount of crap we exhale every day. One obvious step forward for anyone whose head isn't wedged firmly up their tumescent buttocks, is public transport. And give them their due, Park and Rides are being introduced here, there and everywhere. But increasing prices, is by far their best idea to date. Hell, why not charge us all an arm and a leg to travel on public transport and reduce our weight; therefore solving the obesity problem and the pollution problem all in one simple act?

How bloody ridiculous.

Incidentally- I have recently started noticing these adverts popping up. What is with these?

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